Teaching days, Bradford College

Created by Sylvia 3 years ago

Teaching English for Overeas Students, and other unusual groups, Lena and i along with Eric Coling, Tricia, Pat Johnson, Michael Clarke and others had some very happy times. Lena was patient and kind to even the most difficult characters, and we had many a laugh in the staffroom about what went on in class. There were Algerian engineers, Au pairs on their day off, Asian ladies from a local factory, Chilean refugees - a tremendous cross section of humanity. Lena was patient and kind to them all, and in return they loved her. There must be people all over the world whose English was improved by their time spent with Lena. We often wondered how those young people fared when they returned to dangerous regimes, and hoped that what they learned of freedom in their stay  might be carried back with them. That is what Lena did for so many of them.